Plan Outputs (See Chapters 6-10 of Living with Water - An Integrated Plan for Drainage and Wastewater management in Greater Belfast)

The Living With Water Approach involves the development of catchment based solutions which are focused on managing rain water more naturally by controlling run-off, reducing peak flows in the drainage system and providing areas for flood storage.

A series of potential integrated drainage proposals have been developed for the four study areas, focused on achieving the overarching objectives which can be broadly categorised under the following three headings:

  • Policy Measures - New policies and procedures to encourage greener drainage solutions and a collaborative approach to drainage and wastewater management;
  • Catchment Based Solutions - These potential measures are focused on managing rain water more naturally through the catchment by controlling runoff, reducing peak flows in the drainage systems and providing areas for flood storage.  These measures include both blue/green infrastructure and conventional hard engineered measures.
  • Upgrades to Wastewater Treatment Works - No amount of catchment based and blue/green solutions will remove the need for the effective treatment of the wastewater that we produce.  Upgrades to WwTW within the Plan area are needed in terms of the volume of wastewater they can treat and the standard to which it is treated.


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