Delivery - Strategic Programme
Living With Water is a long term plan that promotes partnership working to develop and deliver integrated sustainable solutions for the benefit of society.
Careful phasing of capital improvements is essential to the delivery of sustainable integrated solutions, so that no part of the system is detrimentally affected, either in the short or the long term. This critical path has informed the strategic programme for implementation of the Plan over the next 12 years, which is currently estimated at around £1.4 billion.
The diagram below sets out the strategic programme for implementation of the Plan over the next 12 years.
Catchment Delivery Plans
To facilitate management of such a significant programme, the four Study Areas have been divided into nine smaller catchment areas as shown in the map below. Integrated Catchment Delivery Plans (CDPs) will be developed and implemented for each of the nine areas. The CDPs will include river flood alleviation projects, upgrades to sewerage networks and WwTW and integrated blue/green initiatives. Development and delivery of the CDPs will be taken forward by four Catchment Delivery Groups made up of officials from DfI, NI Water, NIEA and other delivery partners.