Northern Ireland National Technical Rules
National Technical Rules (NTRs) supplement EU Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) with network or country-specific requirements.
The Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 sets out the regime for compliance with NTRs.
Current provisional NTRs for Northern Ireland can be accessed at:
The relevant NI Railways standards are:
- Train Detection I/ST/RGS/0011
- Lineside Signal Spacing I/ST/RGS/0034
- Hot Axle Bearing Detection I/ST/RGS/8014
- Requirements for the Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS) I/ST/RGS/8030
- Automatic Warning System (AWS) I/ST/RGS/8035
- Train Radio System I/ST/RGS/8080
- Requirements for Defining and Maintaining the Size of Railway Vehicles I/STR/RGS/2149
- Interface Between Station Platforms, Track and Trains I/STR/RGS/7016
- Interface between Rail Vehicle Weights and Underline Bridges I/STR/RGS/8006
- Track System Requirements I/TRK/RGS/5021
- Permissible Track Forces for Railway Vehicles R/FE/FES/0088
- Secondary Door Locking Operational Requirements R/FE/FES/0303
- Braking System Requirements and Performance for Trailer Coaching Stock R/FE/FES/2041
- Braking System Requirements and Performance for Traction Units R/FE/FES/2042
- Braking System Requirements and Performance for Freight Trains R/FE/FES/2043
- Braking System Requirements and Performance for Multiple Units R/FE/FES/2044
- Braking Principles for Rail Vehicles R/FE/FES/2045
- Structural Requirements for Railway Vehicles R/FE/FES/2100
- Vehicle Fire, Safety and Evacuation R/FE/FES/2130
- Resistance of Railway Vehicles to Derailment and Roll-over R/FE/FES/2141
- Resistance of Railway Vehicles to Roll-over in Gales R/FE/FES/2142
- Environment Inside Railway Vehicles R/FE/FES/2160
- Requirements for Driving Cabs of Railway Vehicles R/FE/FES/2161
- Equipotential Bonding of Rail Vehicles to Running Rail Potential R/FE/FES/2304
- Engineering Design of On-Track Machines R/FE/FES/2400
- Structural Requirements for Windscreens and Windows on Railway Vehicles R/FE/FES/2456
- Structural Requirements for Doors and Gangways on Railway Vehicles R/FE/FES/2457
- Sanding Equipment Fitted to Multiple Units and On-Track Machines R/FE/FES/2461
- Track Circuit Assistor Configuration for Rail Vehicles R/FE/FES/2477
- Visibility Requirements for Trains R/FE/FES/2483
- Audibility Requirements for Trains R/FE/FES/2484
- Railway Wheelsets R/FE/MEP/003
Please contact if you require a copy of a specific NI Railways standard listed above.