5152 publications
Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) in-depth report 1999-2001
The TSNI collects information on how and why people travel within Northern Ireland. Three years of data need to be combined to ensure the analysis carried out is robust. The in-depth report is produced annually...
Conservation Area Guide - Gracehill
The design guide generally provides information on the planning context, historical development, description or character appraisal of the area, the designation and guidelines for development proposals.
Carriageway widening schemes – environmental statements
Memorandum giving guidance on the need or otherwise for environmental statements for on-line carriageway widening schemes.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics July to September 2002
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland
Lane reduction ahead sign
Traffic sign authorisation for lane reduction ahead sign for the purpose of the control of vehicular traffic and with respect to the use of vehicles on roads.Department for Transport drawing no. P872.1
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics April to June 2002
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2001-2002
This publication brings together a variety of useful transport information published by a number of different sources. It includes information on vehicle registrations, driver and vehicle testing, road network, freight, road safety, public transport, air...
Shopmobility signs
Traffic signs authorisation for the purpose of indicating to traffic both vehicular and pedestrian a shopping area which provides a Shopmobility service.Department for Transport drawing no. S48
Policy on bridge redecking standard RSPPG E024
DfI Roads policy and procedure guide setting out the re-decking standards to be applied to bridges on C class and unclassified roads on which limitations on the width of new deck have been imposed by...
Regional Transportation Strategy 2002 to 2012
The Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) for Northern Ireland 2002 to 2012 identifies strategic transportation investment priorities and considers potential funding sources and affordability of planned initiatives over a 10 year period.
The use of gabions in road construction DEM 044/02
Memorandum on the use, specification, inspection and maintenance of gabions for road construction.
System for booking roadworks on the trunk road network DEM 045/02
Memorandum setting out DfI Roads policy for booking roadworks on the trunk road network.
Grass Cutting Policy Review June 2002
Report to review DfI Roads grass cutting policy and procedures to ensure that the service is provided in an efficient, effective and economic manner with particular regard to road safety issues.
Northern Ireland road and rail transport statistics January to March 2002
This quarterly bulletin presents information on vehicle registrations, vehicle and driver testing, use of public transport and deliveries of petroleum in Northern Ireland
On and off street parking orders and parking concessions for the disabled RSPPG S016
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide in relation to the on and off-street parking order which enables the Department to make provisions as to the use of any on and off-street parking place, the persons...
Technical approval of highway structures - information leaflet
The purpose of this leaflet is to provide guidance to developers (private developers and others) and their designers on the technical approval procedures for highway structures.
Use of signs 832.11 and 832.12 by DVA
Traffic sign authorisation for the Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency’s Enforcement Branch to use the traffic signs shown in diagrams 832.11 and 832.12 in Schedule 4 to the Traffic Signs Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997(d) on...
Recycling bins, advertisements and public information displays in off-street car parks RSPPG S036
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide in relation to requests for advertisements and the placing of bottle banks in DfI Roads car parks.
Traffic signs on unadopted roads RSPPG S037
DfI Roads policy and procedures guide relating to the placing of traffic signs on unadopted roads for the safe and orderly conduct of traffic.
Builders skips RSPPG S034
Departmental policy and procedures guide on the use of builders’ skips on roads as controlled by articles 96, 97 and 97a of the roads order and the control of builders skips regulations.