Regulatory Impact Assessement on the The Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015

Date published: 12 March 2015

Consolidate existing amendments and update legislative references for a range of domestic and non-domestic land uses.

The main objective of the Statutory Rule is to consolidate the existing amendments to the Planning (General Development) Order 1993, update legislative references and facilitate District Council management of permitted development through Article 4 Directions. It will thereby enable the new planning system to regulate both householder and non-householder developments in a productive and beneficial manner. The new Statutory Rule aims therefore to:

• be easy to understand
• be proportionate to the anticipated impacts of such development
• be simple and economic to operate for both developers and planning administration
• manage impacts upon local amenity and environmental interests, including the built heritage

The proposed consolidation will only affect Northern Ireland.

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