Copy of the advert published advising that An Bord Pleanála has received the following planning application which is likely to have significant effects on the environment in Northern Ireland and which includes an Environmental Impact Assessment report as part of the submission.
Ref No:
In the townlands of Glenard, Carrowmore or Glentogher, Meenyanly, Illies, Sorne, Carnamoyle, Owenkillew and Barnahone, Meenakeeragh, Tullydush Upper, Annaslee and Ballynahone, Co. Donegal.
Proposed Construction of 15 No. wind turbines and associated hardstand areas with the following parameters:
a total tip height in the range of 162 metres minimum to 173 metres maximum,
hub height in the range of 96 metres minimum to 107 metres maximum, and
rotor diameter in the rang eof 132 metres minimum to 140 metres maximum;
1 no. 110kV permanent electrical substation including a control building with welfare facilities, all associated electrical plant and equipment, security fencing, all associated underground cabling, wastewater holding tank and all ancillary structures and works;
All works associated with the permanent 110kV connection from the proposed substation to the national electricity grid, via underground cabling within permanent cable ducts in the townlands of Meenyanly,Carnamoyle, Sorne, Owenkillew and Barnahone, Meenakeeragh Tullydush Upper, Annaslee and Ballynahone to the existing Trillick 110kV substation in the townland of Ballynahone;
All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the proposed wind farm substation;
1 no. Meteorological Mast of 104 metres in height;
Upgrade of existing tracks and roads, provision of new permanent site access roads including a new site entrance (in the townland of Glenard);
1 no. borrow pit;
1 permanent no. peat and spoil repository area;
Permanent placement of peat and spoil along sections of site access roads as part of the peat and spoil management plan for the site;
2 no. temporary construction compounds;
Permanent recreation and amenity works, including marked trails, seating areas, amenity carpark, and associated amenity signage;
All temporary works associated with the facilitation of turbine component and abnormal load delivery;
Construction of a permanent link road between the R240 Regional Road and the L1731 local road;
Construction of a second permanent link road on the L1731;
Permanent road widening at three locations along the L1731 (in the townlands of Carrowmore or Glentogher and Illies) all of which will facilitate the delivery of abnormal loads to the site during the construction period and may be used during the operational period if necessary or to facilitate the decommissioning of the wind farm. Following the construction period, access to the link roads will be closed off;
Site Drainage;
Site Signage;
Ancillary Forestry Felling to facilitate construction and operation of the proposed development; and