Flood risk management plans

Date published: 18 December 2015

The flood risk management plans for Northern Ireland have been produced to comply with the requirements of European Union Directive on managing flood risk (2007/60/EC) (Floods Directive)  as transposed to local legislation through  The Water Environment (Floods Directive) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009.


The flood risk management plans highlight the flood hazards and risks in the 20 most significant flood risk areas in Northern Ireland from flooding from rivers, the sea, surface water and reservoirs. The plans identify the measures that will be undertaken over the next 6 years and they set out how the relevant authorities will work together and with communities to reduce the flood risks. 

The plans along with the associated environmental report, strategic environment assessment, Habitats Regulations assessment and a summary of measures can be accessed in PDF form via the links below. Hard copies can be made available on request.

Consulting on the draft plans

Public consultation on the draft flood risk management plans took place between 22 December 2014 and 22 June 2015.  As result of this consultation, 28 responses were received from a range of government bodies, environmental organisations, fishery interest groups and other interested parties.

Comments provided by respondents to the public consultation documents have been considered and accommodated where appropriate, in the completion of the final plans. DfI Rivers has completed a balanced and comprehensive ‘Response to the Consultation on the draft Flood Risk Management Plans’ document.

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