DFI/2024-0262 - Copies of all records held relating to the proposed abandonment of a section of Crockanboy Road, Greencastle, from the initial completed application form by Dalradian Gold to date.
Date published:
DFI/2024-0262: An Environmental Information Regulatiosn 2004 request for copies of all records held by the Department for Infrastructure relating to the proposed abandonment of a section of Crockanboy Road, Greencastle, from the date of the submission of initial completed application form by Dalradian Gold to date.
- DFI/2024-0262 - Copies of all records held relating to the proposed abandonment of a section of Crockanboy Road, Greencastle, from the initial completed application form by Dalradian Gold to date.
- DFI/2024-0262 - Copies of all records held relating to the proposed abandonment of a section of Crockanboy Road, Greencastle, from the initial completed application form by Dalradian Gold to date - Attachment.