DFI/2023-0389 - FOI request for details of DVA's social media contracts, including: 1) any social media management platforms used; 2) the tools used; 3) the annual cost; 4) the contract end date; 5) social listening/media monitoring platforms used, etc.

Date published: 06 November 2023

DFI/2023-0389: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 requst for details of the Driver & Vehicle Agency's (DVA) social media contracts, including: 1) any social media management platforms used; 2) the tools used; 3) the annual cost; 4) the contract end date; 5) any social listening/media monitoring platforms used; 6) the tools used; 7) the annual cost; 8) the contract end date; & 9) the senior responsible officer.

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