DFI/2023-0350 - EIR request for details of the signalised junction upgrade at the Antrim Road-Church Way junction, including: 1) if the works are related to any planning application/s76 developer contribution; 2) the total capital costs, ietc.

Date published: 06 November 2023

DFI/2023-0350: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the signalised junction upgrade at the Antrim Road-Church Way junction, including: 1) if the works are related to any planning application/s76 developer contribution; 2) the total capital costs, including utilities; 3) copies of any supporting reports/transport statements; 4) a map of the extent of traffic surveys conducted; 5) the traffic survey data; 6) whether modelled in isolation or part of a wider network, & software used; 7) traffic modelling results; 8) LINSIG traffic modelling results; 9) a general layout drawing; 10) a detailed design drawing; 11) existing & proposed signal timings & phasing; 12) any Road Safety Audit; 13) the consideration given to pedestrians & cyclists; & 14) if pedestrian numbers were counted.

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