DFI/2023-0290 - EIR request for details of DfI Roads maintenance activities in the Ards & North Down Council area, including: 1) the annual budget; 2) the process for prioritising repairs & resurfacing; etc.

Date published: 12 September 2023

DFI/2023-0290: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of DfI Roads' maintenance activities in the Ards & North Down Council area, including: 1) the annual budget; 2) the process for prioritising repairs & resurfacing; 3) the procedure for utilities to combine their works with road maintenance;  4) the obligations placed on utilities to reinstate roads properly; 5) the process by which utilities must make good any damage; 6) how defects are reported, repaired & prioritised; 7) the decision to lay particular surfacing materials in given locations, & whether they more suitable for low & high volume traffic areas; & 8) the total number defects reported in the last year, due to unsuitable road surfaces.

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