DFI/2023-0158 - EIR request for information about a vacant plot of land, west of the Crawfordsburn Road & Wandsworth Road junction, Bangor, including: 1) confirmation of whether DfI Roads has served any notice on the owner/occupier; etc.

Date published: 24 May 2023

DFI/2023-0158: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information about a vacant plot of land, west of the Crawfordsburn Road & Wandsworth Road junction, Bangor, including: 1) confirmation of whether DfI Roads has served any notice on the owner/occupier in relation to overgrown trees or hedges; 2) copies of any records of sightline issues being reported to DfI; & 3) of any records of hedge cutting carried out at the site.

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