DFI/2021-0157 - EIR request for copies of DfI information packs, etc., on Hannon Coach Express Service applications, including: 1) the one forwarded to the Consumer Council NI; 2) that issued to the Infrastructure Committee; etc.

Date published: 30 June 2021

DFI/2021-0157: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of the Department for Infrastructure's information packs, etc., regarding the Hannon Coach Express Passenger Bus Service applications, including: 1) the informaiton pack forwarded to the Consumer Council NI; 2) the information pack provided to the Infrastructure Committee, highlighting the reported £2.2m additional pressure on Translink; 3) the information pack provided to the Determination Panel; 4) the information pack provided to the Minister; & 5)  the Minister's decision about the application received from Hannon Coaches.

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