DFI/2021-0052 - Details for each calendar year, 2016-2020, of: 1) the number & location of surface defects on roads by a) road name; b) between which towns; c) number; d) how identified; & e) if repaired; & 2) numbers of related compensation claims etc.

Date published: 18 May 2021

DFI/2021-0052: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details for each calendar year, 2016-2020, of: 1) the number and location of surface defects on roads in Northern Ireland by a) the road name; b) the towns between which the road runs; c) the number of defects identified; d) how those defects were identified; & e) if the defects were repaired; & 2) details of any associated compensation claims, the a) number lodged; b) number upheld; & c) total value of any subsequent payments.


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