Code of Practice for Recording of Underground Apparatus in Streets

Date published: 19 October 2004

Requires Undertakers to provide (except in such cases as may be prescribed), keep up to date and make available for inspection, records of every item of apparatus belonging to them in the street as soon as reasonably practicable after placing it in the street, altering its position or locating it in the course of executing any other works.


The Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 (the Order) as amended by The Street Works (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2007 forms the legislative framework within which DfI Roads carries out these duties.

Details of the regime used to carry out these duties are controlled by subordinate legislation contained in Regulations and associated Codes of Practice issued under the Order.

The Street Works Codes of Practice detail the workings of the legislation. Currently there are 6 Codes all related to the 1995 Order. 

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