Public asked to submit views on £67 million A1 Junctions Phase 2 Road Improvement Scheme
Date published:
The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and draft statutory orders for the £67 million A1 Junctions Phase 2 Road Improvement Scheme have now been published.

A public consultation commences today and will run until 28 June 2019.
Members of the public are asked to submit their views by letter or email. Details are available at: A1 Junctions Phase 2 - overview
The documents are also available to the public throughout the statutory consultation period at:
- DfI Roads offices in Marlborough House, Craigavon;
- DfI Roads Lisburn Section Office;
- DfI Roads Carn Section Office;
- DfI Headquarters, Clarence Court, Belfast;
- the offices of Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon District Council in Banbridge; and
- the offices of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council in Lisburn.
The main proposals for the improvement scheme include:
- Closure of all gaps in the central reserve and provision of a continuous central reserve safety barrier between Hillsborough Roundabout and Loughbrickland;
- The construction of a further four new flyover type junctions at: Listullycurran Road; Gowdystown Road; Skeltons Road/Drumneath Road; and Waringsford Road;
- A northbound on-slip to the A1 from Castlewellan Road, Banbridge;
- A new link road from the Milebush Road to the existing Hillsborough Road Junction at Dromore;
- Closure of nine selected side roads with improvements to the remainder of side roads which will operate for left-in / left-out turning movements only;
- Closure of a number of Private Accesses along the route with the remainder operating for left-in / left-out movements only;
- Closure of all mainline bus-stops with new bus stops provided at the four new grade separated junctions; and
- Provision of a number of driver information and communication systems at strategic locations along the route to improve safety and efficiency.
Following the public consultation, the Department will attempt to resolve any objections raised. Depending on the number and nature of objections, then it may be necessary to hold a Public Inquiry. If a Public Inquiry is held, the Department will consider the findings of the Inspector’s Report before deciding whether to publish a Notice of Intention to Proceed with the scheme and complete the statutory procedures by making the final Vesting Order and Direction Order.
Notes to editors:
- Before construction of any major road scheme can proceed the Department must make a number of statutory orders and seek approval for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The EIA analyses the predicted environmental effects the scheme would have and measures proposed to reduce or eliminate those effects.
- These are key steps that need to be completed to progress this scheme which aims to deliver further safety improvements over the 25 kilometre stretch of the A1 dual carriageway between Hillsborough and Loughbrickland.
- Whilst completion of the statutory procedures represents an important milestone in delivery of the scheme, progression to construction would be subject to the availability of further funding.
- The A1, which links Belfast and Dublin, is part of the Eastern Seaboard Key Transport Corridor, with some sections at the Northern end carrying approximately 40,000 vehicles per day.
- All project information is available at: A1 Junctions Phase 2 - overview.
- All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office on 028 9054 0007 or email: Out of hours please contact the duty press officer on 028 9037 8110.
- The Department may take photographs and videos at announcements and events to publicise its work. Photographs, interviews, videos or other recordings may be issued to media organisations for publicity purposes or used in promotional material, including in publications, newspapers, magazines, other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including social media and the internet). Photographs and videos will also be stored on the Department’s internal records management system. The Department will keep the photographs and recordings for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they have been obtained. The Department’s Privacy Policy is available on our website.
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