Preliminary works to commence at site of £24.5m Lagan pedestrian and Cycle bridge
Date published:
Geotechnical Investigation works will commence on the River Lagan on Monday 24 June at the site of the proposed Lagan Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge.
The geotechnical works comprise bore holes, which will be drilled into the river bed, to establish the nature of the substrate below the river bed. These investigations are needed to inform the design and construction of the scheme before it can progress further.
Minister O’Dowd said:
“I welcome the commencement of these preliminary works as the procurement process for the £24.5m bridge work is continuing. Connecting people and opportunities through our infrastructure is a key goal for me and, once completed, this bridge will improve linkages between communities from both sides of the River Lagan, improving accessibility to the city centre and encouraging more people to make their journeys by walking and cycling.”
Belfast Lord Mayor, Councillor Micky Murray said:
“It’s great to see the Lagan Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge progressing as part of the Belfast Region City Deal programme of investment. As part of our Bolder Vision for Belfast, we’re keen to improve connectivity and accessibility and this pedestrian and cycle bridge over the River Lagan will connect south and east Belfast to the city centre, offering workers and visitors a quicker route between the city centre and Ormeau Park. It’s going to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, encourage a shift to sustainable transport modes and help promote an active lifestyle.
“The bridge will also encourage us to appreciate our waterfront, the River Lagan and the wildlife and open space it offers. I’m looking forward to seeing the potential new tourism, regeneration and development opportunities it unlocks.”
During the work there will be a barge with drilling rig equipment on board and with support vessels on the river. River users are advised to exercise caution in the vicinity of the works which are expected to continue for approximately three weeks. The towpath will remain open for pedestrians and cyclists.
Notes to editors:
- The new pedestrian and cycle bridge will span across the River Lagan from the Lagan Towpath at the Gasworks site to the Ormeau Embankment, close to the 'Ozone' indoor tennis centre and leisure complex.
- The estimated cost of the bridge is £24.5m and £12.1m has been secured through the Belfast Region City Deal with the balance intended to be funded by the Department.
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