Flood protection refurbishment work gets underway on the River Lagan
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Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has announced that flood protection refurbishment work on the River Lagan has got underway.
The work costing £900k is being carried out by local building contractor Maurice Flynn and Sons who are replacing the gates at the Hilden and Lambeg river control structures on the River Lagan.
Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd said: "These structures perform a key role in helping to regulate water levels on the River Lagan. They help to minimise the effects of flooding, particularly at times of heavy rainfall when they provide vital flood protection to areas of South Belfast.
“The refurbishment work will improve the operation and safety of these control structures and is essential to help manage flood risk."
This is phase two of the scheme – refurbishment work is already underway as part of phase one enabling works. This is fully complete at the Lambeg site, well underway at Hilden, and on track for completion by summer 2024.
The gate replacement is the second phase of the scheduled repair works planned to each structure which will be installed this summer, subject to favourable weather conditions.
Notes to editors:
- For further information including updates of this project as it progresses and all other flood related capital works please use the Departments “Capital Project Viewer” (Link).
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