Network Planning

Development Control

DfI Roads in its consideration of planning applications, takes into account aspects of development which could prejudice traffic progression and safety in terms of junction capacity, access arrangements, parking standards and provision, road width, radii, gradients, drainage and sight lines. This consideration usually involves site visits and technical work. Compliance with transport policy and compatibility with road infrastructure is taken into account as well as any need for developer led improvements. Proposals are also checked for potential encroachment upon any future road lines. A detailed Transport Assessment may be required for larger developments where potential traffic impact may extend to road junctions some distance from the development site and where infrastructure improvements are deemed necessary as mitigation. For smaller developments a Transport Assessment Form is required to be completed by the applicant in order to ascertain the likely impact.

In the case of housing developments, the Private Streets (NI) Order 1980 is applied if a planning application includes streets which are to become public and maintainable by the Department. Development Control along with the associated Private Streets Section determines the area to be adopted, arranges for the calculation of the bond amount, supervises construction of the streets and, following satisfactory completion by the developer completes the process for adoption into the public road network. Should the developer not complete the street, DfI Roads can take appropriate enforcement action under the Private Streets Order to ensure satisfactory completion of works funded by the bond.

Other Development Control work includes participating in pre-application discussions and planning meetings, preparation of evidence and presentation of this at Planning Appeals. Assistance is given with enforcement cases associated with breaches of planning control. Input is provided for the use of planning case officers at Council Planning Committee meetings with attendance by Development Control Officers as required.

Private Streets

Private Streets Section inspects and manages the adoption of roads infrastructure in new developments.  It also manages enforcement proceedings against developers who fail in their responsibility to provide road bonds before commencement of work on site. This takes the form of a series of warning letters followed if necessary by enforcement action.

DfI Roads will afford a developer every opportunity to fulfil their responsibilities in completing development infrastructure works to an adoptable standard. Where it becomes evident that a developer is either incapable or unwilling to complete the work, DfI Roads will consider initiating legal proceedings. This may result in the need for DfI Roads to complete the works and recover the costs.

DfI Roads has a finite contracting resource at its disposal and given the variation in annual funding levels, the availability of contracting resource to deliver private street enforcement works cannot be assured.  In addition, DfI Roads has no control over the interests of other stakeholders, primarily Northern Ireland Water (NIW), which impact on the delivery of the completion of adoption works.

Local Development Plans

The Department provides advice to the Council on transportation matters for Local Transport Plans and Community Plans as well as work on strategic development planning applications.

The Local Development Plan (LDP) will comprise of two development plan documents;

  • The Plan Strategy (PS); and
  • The Local Policies Plan (LPP)

As a consultee DfI Roads have a significant input into the process.

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