The road humps will be constructed in accordance with the Road Humps Regulations (NI) 1999, other features will be constructed in accordance with the Traffic Calming Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995.
The scheme consists of:
- Set of three Speed Cushions, approximately 3.1 metres long, 1.7 metres wide and 75 mm high on Fairhill Road, approximately 115 metres from Loy Street at the build out near the Cookstown Credit Union.
- Set of double Speed Cushions, approximately 3.1 metres long, 1.9 metres wide and 75 mm high on Fairhill Road in the vicinity of numbers 15/17 and school entrance. Footway bollard in footway front of numbers 15/17.
- Set of double Speed Cushions, approximately 3.1 metres long, 1.9 metres wide and 75 mm high on Fairhill Road in the vicinity of number 50.
- Set of double Speed Cushions, approximately 3.1 metres long, 1.9 metres wide and 75 mm high on Fairhill Road, in the vicinity of the playground near street light number 4410.
- Set of double Speed Cushions, approximately 3.1 metres long, 1.9 metres wide and 75 mm high on Fairhill Road, Loy Street side of Fairhill Close. Footway bollard in footway in front of car park.
Inspecting the proposals
A large plan of the proposals may be inspected online, free of charge, before 6 August 2018 or by visiting the following offices (during opening hours) at the Department's addresses as follows:
DfI Roads and RiversLoughry
49 Tullywiggan Rd
County Tyrone
BT80 8SG
Making an objection
Objections to these proposals may be made in writing to the Department for Infrastructure, via e-mail to or via letter to the following address:
DfI Roads and RiversNetwork Development
County Hall
Drumragh Avenue
BT79 7AF