The Department for Infrastructure (the Department) proposes to make an order vesting certain lands in the Department under the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 and The Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993.
Consultation description
The Department proposes to acquire the lands for the Lagan Pedestrian Cycle Bridge, from the Gasworks to Ormeau Park, Belfast, Country Antrim.
Inspecting the proposal
A map of the lands may be inspected, by appointment, during office opening hours at the offices of the Department at the address below. An electronic copy may also be obtained by emailing
DfI Roads Eastern DivisionAnnex 7
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Upper Newtownards Road
Making an objection
Anyone who wishes to object to the proposed vesting order being made must write to the Divisional Roads Manager at the above or e-mail before the 4 January 2024, giving their reasons.
Information you provide in your response, including personal information, could be published or disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).
For information regarding the Departmental Privacy Notice following the introduction of GDPR please go to the following link DfI Privacy or phone the Data Protection Office on 028 90540540. For further details on confidentiality and FOIA/EIR please refer to
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.