The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) proposes to make The Experimental Traffic Control Scheme – Permitted Taxis in Bus Lanes for a period of 6 months.
Consultation description
The scheme will permit taxis for which a class A, B or D taxi licence has been issued in accordance with the Taxi Licensing Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 to enter, proceed or wait in the bus lanes contained in the following Statutory Rules―
- Bus Lane (Ballynahinch Road, Carryduff) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001;
- Bus Lane (Whitewell Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001;
- Bus Lane (Botanic Avenue, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001;
- Bus Lane (Kingsway, Dunmurry) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002;
- Bus Lanes Order (Northern Ireland) 2002 excluding items 3, 17, 19 and 33 in Schedule 1;
- Bus Lane (Castlereagh Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002;
- Bus Lanes (Queensway and Kingsway, Dunmurry) Order (Northern Ireland) 2003;
- Bus Lane (Belfast Road, Lisburn) Order (Northern Ireland) 2004;
- The Bus Lanes (Antrim Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2005;
- The Bus Lanes (Ormeau Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007;
- The Bus Lane (Lisburn Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2008;
- The Bus Lane (Glen Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2009;
- The Bus Lane (Shankill Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2010;
- The Bus Lane (Crumlin Road, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2010;
- The Bus Lanes (Shore Road, York Road and York Street, Belfast) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011;
- The Bus Lanes Orders (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016, Article 2(a);
- The Bus Lanes (Belfast Rapid Transit, East and West Corridors) Order (Northern Ireland) 2018; and
- The Bus Lanes (Belfast City Centre) Order (Northern Ireland) 2018.
Inspecting the proposal
Full details are contained in the draft scheme which may be inspected free of charge during office hours within the period below at
DfI HeadquartersTransport Legislation Branch
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street
Making an objection
Any person may object or make other representations, specifying the grounds on which they are made, by writing to the Department at the address above by emailing before 6 July 2018.
Any information you give, including personal information, could be published or disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). For further details on confidentiality, the FOIA and EIR please refer to
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.