This Call for Evidence is part of the process of gathering the necessary information to inform a potential focused review of the SPPS in relation to Climate Change and the options and scope for it.
- Call for Evidence (Future Focused Review of the SPPS on the Issue of Climate Change)
- EASY READ VERSION Call For Evidence (Future Focused Review of the SPPS on the issue of Climate Change)
Consultation description
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has published a Call for Evidence in relation to a potential focused review of the SPPS on the issue of Climate Change. Beyond the ongoing work to finalise the review of regional strategic planning policy for renewable and low carbon energy, it is important to consider whether the current policy framework provided for by the SPPS in relation to Climate Change remains appropriate and fit for purpose.
The primary purpose of the Call for Evidence is to engage with stakeholders on the proposed areas of focus for a review of the SPPS and to invite the submission of evidence on the relevant factors that can assist with determining the best way forward. The information gathered through the Call for Evidence will be considered by the Department and will help inform any decision by a future Infrastructure Minister on a review of the SPPS and the options for it.
Responding to this Call for Evidence
Please respond using Citizen Space via the link below:
Responses should be submitted via Citizen Space no later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 28th March 2024. Comments received after this deadline will not be accepted.
The Department has produced an Easy Read version of, and companion to, this Call for Evidence. This is also attached as a PDF for your convenience.
The information you provide in your response, excluding personal information, may be published or disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential, please tell us why, but be aware that, under the FOIA, we cannot guarantee confidentiality.
For information regarding the Departmental Privacy Notice following the introduction of GDPR please go to: DfI Privacy or phone the Data Protection Office on 028 90540540.
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Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.