The Department is consulting on a new Accessible Transport Strategy up to 2025.This public consultation is aimed at agreeing a vision for a new Strategy and the high level strategic themes to be taken forward.
- Accessible Transport Strategy 2025 Consultation Document
- Accessible Transport Strategy 2025 Consultation Easyread Version
- Accessible Transport Strategy 2025 Rural Issues Statement
- Accessible Transport Strategy 2025 Equality Screening Form
Consultation description
In reviewing the need for a new Accessible Transport Strategy the Department proactively sought the views of older people and people with a disability. We commissioned a survey of their views on public transport and met with them and their representatives across Northern Ireland.
A review of the existing Strategy (3rd Year Monitoring Report 2014 - 2015{2}) was carried out to see what actions were outstanding and also we engaged extensively with the Inclusive Mobility Transport Advisory Committee (Imtac) (who have a role in advising Government and others in Northern Ireland on issues that affect the mobility of older people and people with a disability) and Translink.
We have concluded that despite the real and positive developments outlined previously that a new Strategy is required to consolidate gains to date, build on the progress made and look at opportunities to make the transport network more inclusive. Through our pre-consultation engagement with various stakeholders, including those organisations representing older people and people with a disability, the results of the
survey and our assessment of progress to date we have identified five themes which will form the basis of a new Strategy.
These are:
- Enhancing the accessibility of the public transport network
- Improving accessibility of the wider transport network
- Enhancing the customer experience
- Enhancing the accessibility of information
- Working in collaboration with partners and stakeholders
Our vision is to deliver a transport network in Northern Ireland that is inclusive and accessible to all. This will enable genuine participation in our community, enhance social inclusion, increase personal independence and travel options for those who may have difficulty travelling.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.