Environmental Impact Assessment: Notice of Publication
The Department for Infrastructure hereby gives notice in accordance with Article 67A(3) and (9) of the 1993 Order that it has prepared an Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the effects of the proposed construction of the A29 Cookstown Bypass Scheme.
The general effect of the project will be to construct 3930 metres of new trunk road including four new roundabouts to form part of the Warrenpoint – Newry – Dungannon – Coleraine Trunk Road T15. It also includes the upgrading of 1635 metres of the Sandholes Link Road to form part of the Cookstown – Omagh – Enniskillen – Aghalane (land frontier) Trunk Road T10.
The aim of the project is to provide a new transport link improving the connections between A29 Moneymore Road and the A29 Dungannon Road and also upgrade the link between A29 Dungannon Road and the A505 Drum Road, reducing traffic congestion in Cookstown and improving the reliability of journey times for vehicular travellers.
In addition to earthworks and drainage, landscaping will be carried out to improve the appearance of the road and lessen the visual impact of the proposed project.
Trunk Road Order
The Trunk Road T10 & T15 (Cookstown Bypass Scheme) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024
The Department for Infrastructure hereby gives notice in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 8 to the Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 that it proposes to make an Order under Articles 14(1) and 68(1), (3) and (5) of that Order.
The proposed Order will provide that 3930 metres of new road described in Part 1 of the Schedule, shall become trunk road and be part of the Warrenpoint – Newry – Dungannon – Coleraine Land Frontier T15 and 1635 metres of upgraded road described in Part 2 of the schedule shall become trunk road and be part of the Cookstown – Omagh – Aghlane (Land Frontier) T10.
The Order also provides for the stopping-up of certain junctions, the stopping-up of certain roads to road traffic and the stopping-up of certain roads to motor vehicles as set out in parts 3 to 6 of the schedule and to the abandonment of roads as per part 7 of the Schedule.
A29 Cookstown Bypass - Direction Order
Stopping-Up Order
The Private Accessess on the A29 Cookstown Order (Northern Ireland) 2024
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) gives notice of its intention to make an Order under Article 69 of the Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 (“the 1993 Order”) the effect of which would be to:
stop-up to motor traffic the following private accesses for which alternative access will be provided:-
- The unadopted Castle Road, Killymoon Demesne Townland (access to Nos. 39, 41, 41(a), 47, 49, 51 and 51(a) Castle Road); and
- The unadopted Killymoon Road, Killymoon Demesne Townland (access to Killymoon Golf Club, 280, 300 and 302 Killymoon Road).
stop-up to road traffic the following private accesses for which alternative access will be provided:-
- The unadopted Castle Road, Killymoon Demesne Townland (access to Nos. 39, 41, 41(a), 47, 49, 51 and 51(a) Castle Road);
- The unadopted Castle Road, Killymoon Demesne Townland (field access);
- The unadopted Killymoon Road, Killymoon Demesne Townland (access to Killymoon Golf Club, 280, 300 and 302 Killymoon Road);
- Clare Lane, Unclassified No. 728, Clare Townland (field access);
- Coagh Road, Route B73, Tullygare Townland (field access);
- (T15) A29 Moneymore Road (Southbound Carriageway), Ballymenagh Townland (access to No. 101 Moneymore Road);
- (T15) A29 Moneymore Road (Southbound Carriageway), Ballymenagh Townland (field access);
- (T15) A29 Moneymore Road (Southbound Carriageway), Ballymenagh Townland (access to No. 103 Moneymore Road);
- Old Moneymore Road, Unclassified No. 2208, Monrush Townland (field access);
- Old Moneymore Road, Unclassified No. 2208, Tamlaghtmore Townland (field access); and
- Strifehill Road, Unclassified No. 831, Coolkeeghan Townland (field access).
Articles 19 and 69(7) of the 1993 Order provide that where access to any land has been stopped-up in pursuance of an order made under Article 69 and any person has suffered damage in consequence thereof by the depreciation of any estate in the land to which they are entitled or by being distributed in their enjoyment of the land, they shall be entitled to recover from the Department compensation in respect of that damage.
A29 Cookstown Bypass - Stopping-Up Order
Notice of Intention to Make a Vesting Order
The Department for Infrastructure (“the Department”) proposes to make an order vesting certain lands in the townlands of Coolkeeghan, Killymoon Demesne, Gortalowry, Coolnahavil, Scotchtown, Coolnafranky, Clare, New Buildings, Tullygare, Ballymenagh, Cranfield, Monrush, Glebe (Derryloran), Ballyreagh, Derryloran Alias Kirktown, all of County Tyrone and Tamlaghtmore, County Londonderry in the Department under the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 and The Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993.
The Department proposes to acquire the lands in order to construct the A29 Cookstown Bypass Scheme in Cookstown, County Tyrone and County Londonderry.
A29 Cookstown Bypass - Vesting Order Maps
Inspecting the proposals
All documents and maps relating to the scheme may be inspected, by appointment, during office opening hours at the following locations:
Department for InfrastructureClarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street
BT2 8GB Western Division
County Hall
Drumragh Avenue
BT79 7AF Mid Ulster Section Office
49 Tullywiggan Road
BT80 8SG The Burnavon
Burn Road
BT80 8DT
or at:- A29 Cookstown Bypass - overview
Making an objection
Any person who wishes to express an opinion on the Environmental Impact Assessment Report or to object to the making of The Trunk Roads T15 & T10 (Cookstown Bypass) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024, The Private Accesses (Stopping-Up) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024 or the proposed Vesting Order must, on or before 29 May 2024, write to the Divisional Roads Manager at the address below or email dfiroads.western@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk stating their opinion on the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and/or the grounds of their objection to the proposed Orders.
Department for InfrastructureWestern Division
County Hall
Drumragh Avenue
BT79 7AF
The Department will take into consideration any representations made, in support of or against the project, before deciding whether or not to proceed with or without modifications.
Information you provide in your response, including personal information, could be published or disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).
For information regarding the Departmental Privacy Notice following the introduction of GDPR please go to the following link DfI Privacy or phone the Data Protection Office on 028 90540540
For further details on confidentiality, the FOI and the EIR please refer to https://ico.org.uk.