DfI Roads Western Division are progressing the design and development of the A29 Cookstown Bypass. Details of the consultation are detailed below.
Consultation description
Environmental Impact Assessment: Notice of Publication
The Department for Infrastructure hereby gives notice in accordance with Article 67A(3) and (9) of the 1993 Order that it has prepared an Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the effects of the proposed construction of the A29 Cookstown Bypass Scheme.
The general effect of the project will be to construct 3930 metres of new trunk road including four new roundabouts to form part of the Warrenpoint – Newry – Dungannon – Coleraine Trunk Road T15. It also includes the upgrading of 1635 metres of the Sandholes Link Road to form part of the Cookstown – Omagh – Enniskillen – Aghalane (land frontier) Trunk Road T10.
The aim of the project is to provide a new transport link improving the connections between A29 Moneymore Road and the A29 Dungannon Road and also upgrade the link between A29 Dungannon Road and the A505 Drum Road, reducing traffic congestion in Cookstown and improving the reliability of journey times for vehicular travellers.
In addition to earthworks and drainage, landscaping will be carried out to improve the appearance of the road and lessen the visual impact of the proposed project.
Trunk Road Order
The Trunk Road T10 & T15 (Cookstown Bypass Scheme) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024
The Department for Infrastructure hereby gives notice in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 8 to the Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993 that it proposes to make an Order under Articles 14(1) and 68(1), (3) and (5) of that Order.
The proposed Order will provide that 3930 metres of new road described in Part 1 of the Schedule, shall become trunk road and be part of the Warrenpoint – Newry – Dungannon – Coleraine Land Frontier T15 and 1635 metres of upgraded road described in Part 2 of the schedule shall become trunk road and be part of the Cookstown – Omagh – Aghlane (Land Frontier) T10.
The Order also provides for the stopping-up of certain junctions, the stopping-up of certain roads to road traffic and the stopping-up of certain roads to motor vehicles as set out in parts 3 to 6 of the schedule and to the abandonment of roads as per part 7 of the Schedule.
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Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.