ETP Objectives
ETP Objectives
Informed by our understanding of the transport network and wider context and developed collaboratively with key stakeholders and following public engagement, we have defined a set of objectives which represent ETP 2035’s aspirations. Information about how we have derived these objectives and what they might entail as part of the ETP 2035 is explained below.
Objective 1 – Reduce travel distances by promoting safe, inclusive and connected neighbourhoods, supported by integrated planning. |
In line with Planning for the Future of Transport, Time for Change, ‘substituting trips’ represents the most effective means for reducing carbon emissions from transport. This refers to both removing the need for trips to be made in the first place and shortening the length of them, where possible and appropriate. Objective 1 intends to commit ETP 2035 to seeking opportunities to better connect communities to local services, workplaces and amenities in their area. As depicted in our guiding principles, this could include enhancements to public realm and improvements to walking, wheeling and cycling facilities, helping to enhance people’s access to convenient local services rather than requiring them to travel further afield for every trip. This objective is about working towards a future where making a short, everyday trip – to the local corner shop, for example – on foot or by bike is the natural and easy choice, rather than it being necessary to use a car.
Objective 2 – Deliver a reduction in carbon emissions by increasing accessibility for all to jobs, services and recreation by sustainable travel modes. Objective 3 – Promote healthy and inclusive communities by developing safe sustainable travel modes that respect the local built and natural environment. |
Time for Change cites ‘shifting modes’ as a key contributor to the hierarchy for reducing carbon from transport, referring to encouraging a move away from private car use towards sustainable modes such as walking, wheeling, cycling, bus and rail. In line with this, objectives 2 and 3 aim to drive an improvement in the provision and quality of sustainable and active travel modes, whilst being respectful of the environment. As outlined in our guiding principles, this may involve the introduction, extension or improvement of dedicated bus and cycle lanes in areas that need them in order to support an improvement to journey times and user experience of these modes. In doing so, walking, wheeling, cycling, bus and rail will become more attractive alternatives to reliance on private car use.
Objective 4 – Reduce unnecessary use of the private car by implementing effective demand management measures. |
Coupled with targeted delivery of new and improved transport infrastructure which aim to make sustainable transport options more attractive, ETP 2035 will also need to consider demand management measures to discourage private car use. As depicted in our guiding principles, measures could include a review of speed limits in some areas, careful management of parking or repurposing of road space away from car towards sustainable modes and uses. Measures such as congestion charging and low emission zones may also be considered for implementation.
Objective 5 – Improve air quality and the environment by encouraging the use of sustainable travel modes and vehicles which utilise sustainable fuels. Objective 6 – Enhance the resilience and safety of the transport network to support the economy and meet the challenges of climate change. |
These two objectives aim to ensure that ETP 2035 adequately considers the impact that the transport network can have on the local and global environment. ETP 2035 needs to complement the decarbonisation of transport as well as unlocking other opportunities to reduce the impact of transport on air quality and the local environment. Further, as the need to respond to the global climate emergency
intensifies, it is more vital than ever that the transport network is able to withstand extreme weather and other associated challenges. These elements are important as part of a strong and resilient economy, supporting the Regional Development Strategy’s vision for an outward-looking, dynamic and liveable Region.
Objective 7 – Support the efficient, sustainable movement of goods and people and enhance connectivity to regional networks including access to airports and ports. |
While ETP 2035 is primarily focused on enhancing transport connections within the towns and cities of the ETP area, this objective aims to ensure that longer distance trips, both of individuals and freight, are also suitably considered. The ETP area is home to several major strategic transport hubs, and it is important to ensure that people and goods are able to access these efficiently. As shown in our guiding principles, designated strategic movement routes may be identified through ETP 2035 in order to facilitate these effective connections to regional transport networks.