About DfI - Climate, Planning and Public Transport
Climate, Planning and Public Transport
Interim Deputy Secretary - Judith Andrews

Judith is responsible for the Department’s planning functions and the Driver and Vehicle Agency. She is also responsible for policy in respect of transport including climate change and sustainable transport.
Director of Regional Planning Policy and Casework – Alistair Beggs

Alistair is the Director of Regional Planning Policy and Casework and is also responsible for Busines Support and Plan Oversight.
The Directorate also takes forward work flowing from the Reinvestment & Reform Initiative specifically in relation to Crumlin Road Gaol, Belfast and St. Lucia Barracks, Omagh.
Director of Regional Planning, Governance and Legislation - Rosemary Daly

Rosemary is the Director of Regional Planning, Governance and Legislation and is also responsible for Planning Improvement and Notifications.
The Directorate also has responsibility for Rathlin Island.
Further information about Planning and the services available can be found here:
Chief Executive of the Driver and Vehicle Agency – Jeremy Logan

Jeremy is Chief Executive of the Department’s only agency – the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA). The agency aims to deliver improved road safety and better regulation of the transport sector. Responsibilities include driver licensing, vehicle and driver testing, responsibility for those who drive for a living and roadside enforcement.
Further information about DVA and its services can be found here:
Director of Public Transport Policy - Jackie Robinson
Jackie is Director of Public Transport Policy which is sponsor for Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company (NITHC), commonly referred to by its brand name, Translink. The Directorate leads on public transport policy and provides Capital and Revenue funding to support and improve public transport. Translink operates under a five year legal agreement with the Department, which defines its services, standards and funding.
The Directorate grants funds a range of transport services with the aim of reducing rural and social isolation.
The Directorate also has responsibility for managing service permits for commercial operators seeking to offer services distinct from the main public transport network.
Interim Director of Public Transport Operations - Peter Rice
The Director of Public Transport Operations is responsible for: Translink, Community and Public Transport, Strangford Lough and Rathlin Island services.
- Sponsorship of Translink includes the oversight of financial, governance and operational performance by our public transport provider.
- Operation of Strangford Lough Ferry Service and manages the delivery of the Rathlin Island ferry service.
- Grants funds to a range of front line and advisory transport services with the aim of increasing inclusion by reducing rural and social isolation and improving the accessibility of community and public transport.
Director of DfI Climate Change – Liz Loughran
Liz has responsibility for Leadership and Coordination of DfI Climate Response -
all Decarbonisation Plans and Climate Mitigations as well as the
DfI Climate Action Plan (and Related Comms and Stakeholder Management).
Director of Safe and Accessible Travel - Chris Hughes

Chris has responsibility for the safe movement of people and goods through the regulation of vehicles and drivers (both private and commercial); road safety promotion and outreach; and accessibility.