Safe and Sustainable Travel Division
This draft Strategy follows a consultation exercise and reflects the continuing commitment to working in partnership to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries across the roads network and to the ongoing development of a safe and sustainable transport network that meets the needs of all road users.
Road safety is an issue that impacts on all of us in our everyday lives and is a matter the Department is committed to addressing. Across the world deaths on the road remain unacceptably high. One life lost on our roads is one too many and while there has been considerable progress in reducing road deaths here, there is more that we can and must do to make our roads safer for everyone using them. Following the consultation this draft Strategy which is founded on internationally recognised ‘Safe Systems’ principles, identifies strategic priority areas which we within government, along with other road safety stakeholders, need to focus on to deliver strategic outcomes for Safe People, Safe Roads and Safe Vehicles.
As it has not been possible to secure Executive agreement for this draft Strategy, due to the absence of an Executive, the Minister secured the support of his Ministerial Colleagues for the publication of the draft Strategy. The draft Strategy will be presented to a future Executive for approval.
Since the development of the Strategy a number of research projects have been completed exploring issues affecting children, cyclists, motorcyclists, and older road user groups, observing seatbelt wearing behaviour, and reviewing the Road Safety Education Service.
An annual programme of research and statistical investigations into road safety problems in Northern Ireland will continue to be developed and implemented in partnership with road safety partner organisations. Any recommendations made will be considered and proposals for new ways to address road safety problems in NI will be incorporated into the Strategy.
Road safety campaigns
All road safety campaigns and information leaflets can be viewed on the nidirect website.
All DfI campaigns are based on detailed research and are designed to target those road users most at risk of being involved in a road collision. Research shows the main causes of death and serious injury on Northern Ireland's roads to be:
- speeding
- drink driving
- carelessness/inattention
- failure to wear a seatbelt
Only a very small percentage of road collisions can be attributed to reasons other than attitude and behaviour. It is for this reason the road safety campaigns concentrate on changing these behaviours.
Research has consistently demonstrated that the vast majority of people believe that the ‘tell it as it is’ nature of DfI’s campaigns is essential to combating the carnage on Northern Ireland's roads. The Department recognises the continuing challenges of reducing casualties on the roads.
DfI believes that reducing further all deaths and serious injuries, with the ultimate ambition of 'Vision Zero’, where any death is unacceptable, is an important and achievable objective. As road users, we all share the road, so we should all share the responsibility, as emphasised in DfI’s overarching campaign 'Share the Road to Zero'.
If you would like a copy of more detailed research please contact: