5391 publications
DFI/2024-0228 - Details of Belfast Test Centre Driving Examiner pass & fail records held by the Driver & Vehicle Agency.
DFI/2024-0228: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of Belfast Test Centre Driving Examiner pass & fail records held by the Driver & Vehicle Agency.
DFI/2024-0229 - Copies of: 1) the two most recent carriageway inspection records for the Mountnab Road, Armagh, prior to 21 October 2023; 2) details of cyclical inspections; & 3) the standards for NI Water street furniture.
DFI/2024-0229: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of: 1) the two most recent carriageway inspection records for the Mountnab Road, Armagh, prior to 21 October 2023; 2) the Roads (NI) Order 1993 &...
DFI/2024-0236 - Details of any designated watercourses or ancillary apparatus, for which DfI is responsible, together with records of any discharge consents issued, in the vicinity of a property on the Burn Road, Doagh.
DFI/2024-0236: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of any designated watercourses or ancillary apparatus, for which the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is responsible, together with records of any discharge consents issued, in the...
DFI/2024-0241 - Copies of any DfI Roads issued permits relating to 27 or 29 Main Street, Tynan, Co. Armagh, BT60 4QP.
DFI/2024-0241: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of any DfI Roads issued permits relating to 27 or 29 Main Street, Tynan, Co. Armagh, BT60 4QP.
DFI/2024-0253 - Details of the impacts & costs associated with the NI concessionary bus pass scheme.
DFI/2024-0253: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the impacts & costs associated with the NI concessionary bus pass scheme.
DFI/2024-0255 - Details of whether a named vehicle was booked for an MOT test between 06 September 2023 & 17 October 2023.
DFI/2024-0255: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of whether a named vehicle was booked for an MOT test between 06 September 2023 & 17 October 2023.
DFI/2024-0169 - Details of the number of times in the last 20 years, DfI Rivers have invoked the 1973 Drainage Act, to protect properties from flooding, allegedly caused by neighbours’ negligence or deliberate acts to stop or slow down water flow.
DFI/2024-0169: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of times in the last 20 years, DfI Rivers have invoked/enacted the 1973 Drainage Act, to protect properties from flooding, allegedly caused by...
DFI/2024-0183 - Copies of all records held, 2015 to date, in relation to the proposed Park & Ride at Moira Railway Station, for Station Road, A26 Glenavy Road junction & Magheramesk Lane, Moira.
DFI/2024-0183: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all records held, 2015 to date, for Station Road, A26 Glenavy Road junction & Magheramesk Lane, Moira, including: 1) all road surveys; 2) design feasibility...
DFI/2024-0184 - Copies of any Development Viability Appraisals that have been completed in relation to planning application LA05/2021/1317/F, for demolition & redevelopment of properties at 448-450 Lisburn Road.
DFI/2024-0184: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of any Development Viability Appraisals that have been completed in relation to planning application LA05/2021/1317/F, for demolition & redevelopment of properties at 448-450 Lisburn Road.
DFI/2024-0187 - Copies of all information held, 01 September 2023 to date, in relation to Carnmoney District Orange Arch & of the current policy on response times for Orange Arch applications.
DFI/2024-0187: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all information held, for the period from 01 September 2023 to date, in relation to Carnmoney District Orange Arch & of the current Department for...
DFI/2024-0188 - Details of the number of personal injury claims received in the last five years due to injuries from pavements (such as uneven or dangerous pavements).
DFI/2024-0188: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of personal injury claims received by the Department for Infrastructure in the last five years due to injuries from pavements (such as uneven...
DFI/2024-0189 - Details of the number of carriageway defects or other faults reported to DfI Roads by 7 Newtownards DEA councillors from 06 May 2023 to 05 May 2024.
DFI/2024-0189: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of carriageway defects or other faults reported to DfI Roads by 7 Newtownards DEA councillors (Cllr. N. Armstrong-Cotter, Cllr. S. McIlveen, Cllr. C...
DFI/2024-0191 - Details of DVA taxi enforcement activities in the last 5 years.
DFI/2024-0191: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of DVA taxi enforcement activities in the last 5 years, including: 1) the number of insured, taxed & tested taxis destroyed; 2) the number on...
DFI/2024-0193 - Information about sand dredging companies breaching their dredging licences in Lough Neagh in the last 3 years, including: 1) the number; 2) details of each breach; & 3) details of any enforcement actions taken.
DFI/2024-0193: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information about sand dredging companies breaching their dredging licences in Lough Neagh in the last 3 years, including: 1) the number of breaches; 2) details of each...
DFI/2024-0195 - Copies of any maps held of the 7 Greenway Strategy primary routes in Northern Ireland showing the completed sections (including km) & the sections to be built (including km),since publication in 2016.
DFI/2024-0195: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of any maps held of the 7 Greenway Strategy primary routes in Northern Ireland showing the completed sections (including km) & the sections to be built...
DFI/2024-0197 - Copies of all correspondence held about planning application LA05/2021/1245/F, proposed Park & Ride at Moira Train Station, & copies of any reports informing DfI's issue of a Direction allowing consideration of whether it be referred.
DFI/2024-0197: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all correspondence held by the Department for Infrastructure in relation to planning application LA05/2021/1245/F, for a proposed Park & Ride at Moira Train Station, &...
DFI/2024-0198 - Copies of any Article 32 Agreement(s) (under the Private Streets (Northern Ireland) Order 1980) entered into relating to the Private Streets Determination made for the development at Bashford Park, Carrickfergus (LA02/2016/0919/F).
DFI/2024-0198: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of any Article 32 Agreement(s) (under the Private Streets (Northern Ireland) Order 1980) entered into by the Department for Infrastructure relating to the Private Streets Determination...
DFI/2024-0199 - A list of the organisations/persons who responded to the Department's consultation on the review of regional strategic planning policy, renewables policy & low carbon policy, together with their responses.
DFI/2024-0199: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for a list of the organisations/persons who responded to the Department for Infrastructure's consultation on the review of regional strategic planning policy, renewables policy & low carbon policy...
DFI/2024-0200 - Details of the inspection & maintenance of the road at Oldpark Terrace, North Belfast, including: 1) whether DfI is responsible; & 2) if there are any plans to a) repair any defects, or b) fully resurface the road.
DFI/2024-0200: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the inspection & maintenance history of the carriageway at Oldpark Terrace, North Belfast, including: 1) whether DfI Roads is responsible for inspections & maintenance; &...
DFI/2024-0201 - Details of the Driver & Vehicle Agency's (DVA) processes for issuing medially restricted driving licences following an illness.
DFI/2024-0201: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the Driver & Vehicle Agency's (DVA) processes for issuing medially restricted driving licences following an illness.