Review of Strategic Planning Policy on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy
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Following Minister Mallon’s announcement on 21 April 2021, the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has commenced a review of strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy which may result in an amendment to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS).
The aim of this review is to ensure that strategic planning policy for renewable & low carbon energy development and associated infrastructure remains fit for purpose and up-to-date to inform the decision-making in relation to development proposals for this subject area. It is also intended to inform the local development plan (LDP) process and enable plan-makers to bring forward appropriate local policies, all within the wider contemporary context for energy and the climate emergency.
Please note - An Issues paper was distributed to key stakeholders on 15 December 2021 for an 8 week period. However, the Department will welcome comments on the issues paper from anyone, until 11 February 2022, using the following link.
Previously, the Department issued a 'Call for Evidence' (CfE) on Renewable Energy on 7 March 2016. The CfE, its associated 'Emerging Issues' and Consultant's report can be viewed below.