DFI/2021-0367 - EIR Request for details of DfI Roads' use, or approval of use, of glyphosphate-based herbicides on the NI road network, including: 1) the products & amounts used, & area covered, over the last year, & supporting reasons & policies, etc.

Date published: 02 November 2021

DFI/2021-0367: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of DfI Roads' use, or approval of use, of glyphosphate-based herbicides on the NI road network, including: 1) the products used & approved amounts allowed, & the area covered by such chemicals, over the last 12 months, with the reasons & policies supporting usage; 2) details of how, in terms of both the individual dosage & spraying frequency, DfI protects human health & the environment when the herbicides are being used; & 3) copies of any policies, evidence or other documents informing DfI Roads decsion making about the ongoing and future use of glyposphates.

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