DfI/2019-0304: EIR Request for information in relation to the A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe dualling scheme Tirbracken Road closure of 19 August 2019

Date published: 12 March 2020

DfI/2019-0304: EIR Request for information in relation to the A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe dualling scheme Tirbracken Road closure of 19 August 2019. Specifically:


In regards to the A6 @ Drumahoe Road Closure for approx. (4) months I wish to register my concerns regarding this.

I am a business owner on the Gortree Road which is a tributarv road of the Tirbracken Road and is directly affected by the closure of this Road, which will have devastating consequences upon by ability to trade.

I have never received any written notification to my premises regarding this closure, and therefore your Department is breaching its own procedures in not doing so. Giving me due notification in a reasonable time frame, would allow me time to contact my existing customers and forward to them alternative arrangements to gain access to my premises, instead my customers will be faced with a (10) mile detour when they come upon this road closure, my existing/potential future customers at this stage may find alternative garages with easier access, and upon the re-opening of this road, may still proceed in getting their vehicles serviced thereafter at alternative garages, as stated before this will have a devastating effect both short and long term on my business, which will take YEARS to recover from.

I would ask you to provide a copy of your department's rationale of the procedures in giving notification to effected business during road closure and ask why your department did not notify of same.

I would also ask when this Road Closure is in process which will severely affect my business will there be a reduction allowed on my rates due to the drastic reduction of my income and very limited access to customers due to this situation - please advise.

Can I also ask did your department carry out the required Environmental and Habitat assessments for these Road Works in light of the Peter Sweetman and Others v An Bord Pleanála - Reference for a preliminary ruling: Supreme Court - Ireland.

Environment - Directive 92/43/EEC - Article 6 - conservation of natural habitats - Special areas of conservation - Assessment of the implications for a protected site of a plan or project - Criteria to be applied when assessing the likelihood that such a plan or project will adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned - Lough Corrib site - N6 Galway City Outer Bypass road scheme. ·Case C-258/11.

Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 11 April 2013. # Peter Sweetman and Others·v An Bord Pleanála. # Reference for a preliminary ruling: Supreme Court - Ireland. # Environment - Directive 92/43/EEC - Article 6 - Conservation of natural habitats - Special areas of conservation - Assessment of the implications for a protected site of a plan or project - Criteria to be applied when assessing the likelihood that such a plan or project will adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned - Lough Corrib site - N6 Galway City Outer Bypass road scheme.
# Case C-258/11.

Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 11 April 2013.
Peter Sweetman and Others v An Bord Pleanála.
Reference for a preliminary ruling: Supreme Court - Ireland. "
Environment - Directive 92/43/EEC - Article 6 - Conservation of natural habitats - Special areas of conservation - Assessment of the implications for a protected site of a plan or project - Criteria to be applied when assessing the likelihood that such a plan or project will adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned - Lough Corrib site - N6 Galway City Outer Bypass road scheme.
Case C-258/11.
ECLI identifier: ECLl:EU:C:2013:220

Please advise if your department has also taken into consideration any Nutra 2000 sites in this locality when granting permission for these works to proceed - please advise?

Regarding the aforementioned I would like to meet with Department personnel to express my concerns in person - please advise a suitable time and date for same

I would also ask you to forward your departments procedures/rationale/forms in order for me to apply for compensation for loss of business/earnings during this road closure, as stated before this current situation could lead to redundancies and possible closure of my business, as I will have to advise my creditors of the current situation.

I ask the aforementioned under the Freedom of Information Act 2001, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and ask your department to respond within the allocated time frame.

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