2529 results
Minister Hazzard discusses infrastructure provision in West Tyrone
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has today visited a number of key areas in West Tyrone to discuss infrastructure...
Hazzard announces £300,000 resurfacing scheme at Crockanboy Road Greencastle County Tyrone.
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has announced the start of a £300,000 major resurfacing scheme, of B46 Crockanboy...
Hazzard agrees to investigate gritting feasibility at Lisneal College, Derry
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has agreed to investigate the feasibility of gritting a route serving Lisneal...
Hazzard announces changes for blue badge holders with life-long mobility issues
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has today announced a review of the renewal process for Blue Badge holders with...
Hazzard announces the start of a £190,000 resurfacing scheme in Carrickmore
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard announced a £190,000 major resurfacing scheme on the B4 Termon Road, Carrickmore.
TransportNI gives update on infrastructure programme for Causeway Coast and Glens
TransportNI Divisional Network Maintenance Manager Gary Quinn has met with Causeway Coast and Glens Council to update...
Hazzard – Have your say on Programme for Government delivery plan
The Department for Infrastructure is to hold a series of public engagement events on the infrastructure elements of the...
Hazzard highlights commitment to Irish language road safety education
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has committed to increase the level of road safety education resources available...
Hazzard announces £130,000 road improvement scheme in Craigavon
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has announced that a £130,000 road improvement scheme on Moyraverty West Road...
Hazzard launches ‘New Driver Pledge’ during Road Safety Week
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has officially launched a ‘New Driver Road Safety Pledge’ encouraging...
Hazzard confirms Christmas roadworks embargo and public transport incentives in Derry City and Strabane district council
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has confirmed a Christmas embargo on roadworks in Derry City and Strabane district...
38,787 people killed on roads north and south since records began
All those who have died in road traffic collisions will be remembered on the World Day of Remembrance on Sunday 20...
Infrastructure and Economy Ministers welcome court ruling on BMAP
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard and Economy Minister Simon Hamilton have welcomed a decision by the High Court...
TransportNI gives update on infrastructure programme for Mid and East Antrim
TransportNI Divisional Manager Deidre Mackle has met with Mid and East Antrim Council to update members on the...
Roads Minister confirms residents’ parking scheme for south Belfast
Roads Minister Chris Hazzard has announced a residents’ parking scheme in the College Park Avenue / Rugby Road area of...
Hazzard visits Mid Ulster to discuss key infrastructure priorities
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard visited Mid Ulster today for discussions on key infrastructure projects in the...
Infrastructure Minister outlines next steps for York Street Interchange scheme
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has accepted the outcomes of the Public Inquiry for the £130 million York Street...
Upgrades to 400 rural roads completed and more to come – Hazzard
Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has announced upgrades to 400 rural roads have been completed, following the...
Hazzard announces £160,000 road resurfacing scheme at Kingsway, Belfast
Infrastructure Minister, Chris Hazzard has announced the start of a £160,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on Kingsway...
Infrastructure Minister announces resurfacing scheme for Kilgad Road, Ballymena
Department for Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard recently announced a £210,000 structural maintenance scheme for the...