DfI Subsequent Consents on EIA Applications
Below are details of subsequent consents issued by the Department in accordance with Regulation 27(1)(b) the Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017
Planning Application Reference | P/2012/0121/F |
Site Address | Planning application site includes the power generation station site located on lands approx. 65m SE of 101, 101a, 101B and 103 Airport Road West, Belfast Harbour Estate, Belfast and also the route of the underground gas pipeline (UGP) connection from Kinnegar Army Barracks to the Power Station Site along the following roads: Airport Road West, Esplanade Road, Moscow/Heron Road. An above ground installation is located in SW corner of Kinnegar Army Barracks adjacent to Kinnegar WwTW |
Proposal | New single carriageway cable stayed opening bridge across the Newry River tying into the existing A2 Roundabout. Associated works include a control building and a new navigation beacon |
Conditions and Date Discharged | Condition 11 - SPD/2024/0050/DC Programme of Archaeological Works. Partially Discharged 17.9.24 |
Planning Application Reference | LA04/2017/0878/F |
Site Address | Planning application site includes the power generation station site located on lands approx. 65m SE of 101, 101a, 101B and 103 Airport Road West, Belfast Harbour Estate, Belfast and also the route of the underground gas pipeline (UGP) connection from Kinnegar Army Barracks to the Power Station Site along the following roads: Airport Road West, Esplanade Road, Moscow/Heron Road. An above ground installation is located in SW corner of Kinnegar Army Barracks adjacent to Kinnegar WwTW |
Proposal | Erection of 480MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Station comprised of turbine hall/heat recovery steam generator building with 50m exhaust stack, air cooled condenser, 2 storey administration building, 2 storey workshop building, gas insulated substation, gas compressor station, gas pressure reduction station, associated water and fuel tanks and other associated infrastructure and ancillary development including provision of site access and road works to facilitate extension to pedestrian footways and delineation of a right hand turn lane. Construction of new Above Ground Installation (AGI) at Kinnegar Army Barracks and new underground pipeline along Airport Road West, Esplanade Road with option of also following Heron/Moscow Road and which will connect the Power Station Site to the existing gas transmission infrastructure at Kinnegar Barracks. |
Conditions and Date Discharged | Condition 11 - SPD/2024/0027/DC Construction Environmental Management Plan. Discharged 10.04.2024 Condition 16 – SPD/2024/0028/DC Method of Works Statement. Discharged 10.04.2024 |
Planning Application Reference | LA04/2017/1388/F |
Site Address | Lands: To The East Of The Westlink (A12); South Of (Nos.127-9) And Including Grosvenor Road; At Intersection Of Grosvenor Road And Stanley Street; At The Intersection Of Durham Street And Grosvenor Road; At The Intersection Of Fisherwick Place And Howard Street; At Great Victoria Street (between Nos. 1-3 To 27-45); At Glengall Street (between Nos. 3-21); At The Junction Of Hope Street, Bruce Street And Great Victoria Street; At The Junction Of Durham Street, Linfield Road, Sandy Row And Hope Street; At Sandy Row From 2 Hurst Park To 85-87 Sandy Row, Gilpins Site; To North Of Former Whitehall Tobacco Works At Linfield Road, Weavers Court Business Park/ Linfield Industrial Estate, Blythefield Primary School And Charter Youth Club; At Weavers Court Business Park And Railway Track Lands Surrounding Arellian Nursery And Bounded By Utility Street/Bentham Drive/Egmot Gardens/ Felt Street (to North); Prince Andrew Park And Abingdon Drive (to South); Beit Street, Roosevelt Rise,Roosevelt Square & lnverna Close (to west); Donegall Road (to south and east); lands to south of Utility Street, north of railway line and west of Donegall Road; and BMXTrack/Open space at lands to south of Westlink, west of railway line and east of lnverna Close, Belfast. |
Proposal | New integrated public transport interchange comprising; station concourse, 26 bus stands, 8 railway platforms, bus maintenance and parking, track and signalling enhancements, bus access bridge, cycle and taxi provision, car parking, new public square, public realm improvements, highway improvements, infrastructure improvements, temporary structures for bus operations during construction and temporary site construction compounds. |
Conditions and date discharged for Enabling Works | Condition 6 - LA04/2020/0736/DC Detailed Design of Roads Works and Road Safety Audit. Partially Discharged 09.09.2020 Condition 7 - LA04/2020/0326/DC Construction Phase Sustainable Travel Plan. Partially Discharged 20.02.2020 Conditions 15 & 17 - LA04/2019/2890/DC Dust Management Plan & Noise Management Plan. Partially Discharged 05.02.2020, 08.06.2020 & 07.04.2021 Condition 15 - LA04/2021/2570/DC Dust Management Plan. Partially Discharged 09.06.2022 Condition 17 - LA04/2021/2572/DC Noise Management Plan. Partially Discharged 20.09.2022 Condition 20 - LA04/2020/0214/DC Contaminated Land Remediation Strategy and Remediation Implementation and Verification Plan (RIVP). Partially Discharged 10.04.2020, 10.07.2020 and 10.08.2021. Condition 21 – LA04/2020/0214/DC Groundwater & Surface water Monitoring Plan. Partially Discharged 22.04.2020. Condition 22 - LA04/2020/1328/DC Contaminated Land Verification Reports for the asbestos and hydro carbon slab removal from the site and the installation of gas membranes. Partially Discharged 25.09.2020 Condition 22 - LA04/2022/0204/DC Contaminated Land Verification Report. Partially Discharged 09.06.2022 Condition 23 - LA04/2020/0334/DC Construction Environmental Management Plan. Partially Discharged 30.03.2020 Condition 23 - LA04/2021/2573/DC Construction Environmental Management Plan. Partially Discharged 27.09.2022 Condition 27 - LA04/2020/0782/DC Piling/Foundations Works Risk Assessment. Partially Discharged 06.07.2020 Condition 27 - LA04/2021/2568/DC Piling Foundations Risk Assessment. Partially Discharged 09.06.2022 Condition 29 - LA04/2020/0223/DC Programme of Archaeological Work. Partially Discharged 31.03.2020, 25.05.2021 & 23.05.2022 |
Conditions and date discharged for Main Construction Contract Phases 1-3 | Condition 7 - LA04/2021/2738/DC Construction Phase Sustainable Travel Plan. Partially Discharged 04.05.2022 Condition 15 - LA04/2021/2838/DC Dust Management Plan. Partially Discharged 23.12.2022 Condition 17 - LA04/2021/2734/DC Construction Noise & Vibration Management Plan. Partially Discharged 15.11.2022 Condition 17 - SPD/2023/0978/DC Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan. Partially Discharged 20.05.2022 Condition 19 - LA04/2022/0827/DC Noise Verification Report. Discharged 12.06.2024 Condition 20 - LA04/2021/2745/DC Contaminated Land Remediation Strategy and Implementation and Verification Plan. Partially Discharged 6.07.2022 Condition 21 - LA04/2022/0218/DC Groundwater and Surface water Monitoring Plan. Partially Discharged 15.11.2022 Condition 23 - LA04/2021/2739/DC Construction Environmental Management Plan. Partially Discharged 28.09.2022 Condition 27 - LA04/2021/2740/DC Piling Risk Assessment. Partially Discharged 23.06.2022 Condition 27 - LA04/2022/2078/DC Piling Risk Assessment (Mini Driven Piles at Wall 10). Partially Discharged 21.02.2023 Condition 29 - LA04/2022/1303/DC Programme of Archaeological Work. Partially Discharged 19.01.2023 |
Planning Application Reference | C/2011/0459/F |
Site address | Land approximately 920 metres north west of 33 Craigmore Road Coleraine Co. Londonderry BT51 4EX |
Proposal | A wind farm comprising 6 turbines up to a maximum tip height (comprising a configuration of up to 85m towers and up to 35.5m blades). The development will also comprise associated transformers, one permanent meteorological monitoring mast, communication tower, site access tracks, gates, temporary site compound, substation, electrical cabling, one site entrance including road improvement works at the existing site entrance off Craigmore Road, and all other ancillary works |
Conditions and Date Discharged |
Planning Application | LA04/2016/2327/F |
Site Address | Lands bounded by Nos. 31-101 Royal Avenue Church Street William Street Writers Square Nos. 40 to 16 Donegall Street No. 2 Waring Street 1-21 Bridge Street Nos. 2-18 High Street Nos. 1-27 Lombard Street Nos. 33 to 55 Rosemary Street North Street and Nos. 2-14 Lower Garfield Street Belfast |
Proposal | Application to vary conditions 2-4 (demolition and construction), 6, 8-13 (traffic and parking), 14-18 (contaminated land), 21-22, 25, 27, 29 (landscaping), 30-31 (archaeology), 33 (environmental designations) of planning permission Z/2010/1532/F for the demolition, redevelopment and part change of use of existing buildings to create mixed use development known as Royal Exchange, comprising retail, offices, café/bar use, apartments, car parking, cultural/arts centre, hotel and associated access and circulation and public realm works, including restoration, alteration and extension of listed buildings |
Conditions and Date Discharged |
Information relating to these decisions is available on the public register at https://planningregister.planningsystemni.gov.uk/simple-search.