Maximise your potential
We will enable, empower and support you to effectively and confidently deliver the work of DfI and government. We will invest in your growth and development and provide support, training, learning and development to enable you to build a fulfilling career with DfI.
Professional, Technical
and ICT
- Civil Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
- Accountancy
- Analytical Services
- Economists
- Computing
- Graphic Designers
- Mapping and Charting
- Planning
- Science
- Drawing Office
- Consultancy
- Agricultural Inspectors
- Flood Risk Management
- Environmental
- Hydrometrics
- Emergency Planning
- Laboratory
- Health & Safety
- Vehicle Examiners and Plant Mechanics
- Driver Examiners
- Industrial opportunities
- Asset Management
- Asset Development
Strategy & Support
- Organisational Development
- Workforce Planning
- Training
- Project Management
- Procurement
- Governance
- Facilities Management
- Communications
- Corporate Services
- Internal Audit
- Public Affairs and Engagement
- General Service /Administration