A6 Randalstown to Toome - stage 1 scheme assessment report

Date published: 03 October 2004

Sets out stage 1 scheme assessment reports prepared for the Randalstown to Toome dualling scheme.


TransportNI carries out a comprehensive appraisal of each strategic road improvement proposal. The appraisal procedure requires a clear understanding of the objectives which are to be met, and appropriate criteria to be used, to decide whether a proposal meets them.  

Scheme assessment reports act as a summary of the more technical reports generated during the appraisal of road schemes. Scheme assessment and reporting is a three-stage procedure. The level of detail and coverage of the assessment and the report is appropriate to the type of decision that can reasonably be taken at each stage.

Stage 1 identifies the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic advantages, disadvantages and constraints associated with broadly defined improvement stategies. This concludes in the selection of a number of potential routes or options.  

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