Traffic Calming Scheme - Abbey Ring, Holywood

Consultation opened on 02 August 2018. Closing date 24 August 2018.


Notice is hereby given that under the Roads (Restriction of Waiting) Order (Northern Ireland) 1982 the Department proposes to provide traffic calming measures on Abbey Ring, Holywood, in order to promote road safety.


Consultation description

The proposal includes:

  • 1 No. pair twin sided speed cushions 2.0m long, approximately 1.70m wide & 75mm high, located approximately 23m south east of Dunville Link.

Inspecting the proposal

A map showing the above mentioned traffic calming features may be inspected free of charge during office hours at the address below.

Making an objection

Objections to these proposals may be made, before 24 August 2018, via e-mail to or by writing to the Department at the following address:

Department for Infrastructure
Rathkeltair House
Market Street
Co. Down
BT30 6AJ


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